Among the parts of the body the tongue is a whole wicked world. We use it to bless the Lord and Father, but we also use it to curse people who are made in God’s image. (James 3:5. 9)
Most of our teachings about the Holy Spirit and his gifts focus on God’s blessings. But the gifts of the Spirit will also help us to discern if someone has been cursed.
In the secular world a curse can be a vindictive form of expression or threat that someone may express towards an individual or a whole family. In the spiritual world a different reality exists concerning curses.
The power of someone’s words incited by hate or malicious intent towards God or others initiates an oppressive spiritual presence. This presence forms a darkness or heaviness that continues to exist over the victims and also over the person who uttered the curse. Curses can be generational especially when someone curses a person’s children’s children.
It’s very difficult for us to know about our ancestors actions towards God and others unless the Holy Spirit enlightens us. Sometimes we recall stories about relatives or past family members who died still angry with the Church, religious or priests. Disputes with others over land, boundaries, properties, possessions or envy and inheritance issues.
The gift of tongues and the other gifts of the spirit like Wisdom and the word of knowledge can enlighten a person of prayer if a curse is still affecting a person’s life. Being cursed can also prevent a person from receiving the gift of tongues.
Setting a person free from a curse involves three steps.
Faith> Forgiveness & Mercy > Blessing.
Faith – Believing that Jesus‘s death on the cross has delivered us from evil and curses
(1 Kings 8:31. Rev 22:3).
The Spiritual Gifts of the Holy Spirit 1 Cor. 12:7-12 mentions the charism of faith. It is prudent to pray for the Spirit’s anointing to empower you through His faith charism. (Believing in the promises of Christ can be an intellectual profession of faith. Experiential faith of receiving the power to proclaim the promises of Christ flows from the heart. Only the Holy Spirit can anoint us with His power of love.)
Forgiveness & Mercy – To for -give is to give to Jesus. To for-take is to take within ourselves the spiritual darkness associated with curses. When we pray to lift off a curse it is paramount that we ask God’s forgiveness for those who placed the curse as well as pray for the lifting of the curse. Jesus came to set the captives free and in the case of curses he desires both victim and the person or family tree members to be released as well.
Bless those who curse you and pray for those who treat you badly (Luke 6:28).
Blessing: In a blessing I wish for the other person to receive a share in God’s goodness. I am praying for God’s goodness which is stronger than any ill will or malice to bring restoration and healing to those affected by a curse.
Place yourself in the presence of Jesus.
Jesus I ask forgiveness for myself or any of my ancestors who may have cursed others. Have mercy on us.
If I or my family members past or present have been the victims of a curse I stand in for them and ask for forgiveness for those who have cursed us. Have mercy on us all.
Through your death on a cross you shed your blood and delivered us from all curses. I now proclaim God’s promise for the captives to be set free.
Anyone hanged is accursed, so that the blessing of Abraham may come to the Gentiles in Christ Jesus and so that we might receive the promised spirit through faith. (Galatians 3:13-14)
Thank you Jesus for setting me free and restoring us through your love and grace. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Prayer Comment:
Some curses culturally motivated with a vindictive hate or maliciousness will not be set free from this prayer exercise. These forms of curses will need personal prayer.