Prayer Mission | Angleus Members Area

The Angelus Team

valerie Murphy

Valerie Murphy


Valerie’ has been presenting teaching days and prayer workshops for over twenty years.  She nurtures and encourages us to grow into a deeper awareness of our own spiritual experiences through the story of our life.

In 1979 Valerie became involved in the Charismatic Renewal and received healing prayer ministry from Fr Vince Doyle at Bellingen in NSW.  Combining her vision of intercession with Father Doyle’s prayer ministry they initiated a spiritual support network for God’s poor.  Valerie and her husband established the first Anawim house near Grafton in 1983 offering prayer ministry and accommodation for those in needs.  

In the 1990’s Valerie and Father Doyle recognized a need to facilitate intercessory prayer groups to pray for the new evangelization.   They offered retreats and prayer workshops and helped to form and nurture self-help healing/intercessory prayer groups both locally and overseas.
From this prayer ministry Mary of the Angelus Prayer Mission was inaugurated to encourage the spiritual and personal growth of members and for all teaching resources to be based on the Catholic Catechism.

Valerie has a Diploma of Applied Science and as a wife, mother and grandmother continues to promote the Angelus Prayer Ministry with Father Doyle at Angelus House for those desiring to be set free from emotional imprisonment or spiritual oppression.


Katherine Whitehouse

Katherine Whitehouse

M.A. M.MIN. BTH.CERT.IV TAE – Spiritual Director

Katherine is from Townsville and has spent most of her life in Western or North Queensland.  She has been involved with the Association since 1997 having met the founders on an outreach to Cairns in 1994. In 1997 encouraged by the Bishop James Foley Katherine enrolled with Brisbane College of Theology and completed a Theology Degree followed by a Masters of Ministry.  She has worked for many years at a local parish level and has served the Angelus in many capacities in almost 20 years.  

Katherine was involved in a Government funded program and was instrumental in developing and driving a new model of housing for homeless people that successfully addressed tenancy issues that had kept people locked into the homeless cycle.   

Katherine has been involved with Angelus prayer groups in private homes for over 15 years.  For the last 19 years she has lived in Caboolture and been involved in all levels of the Angelus.  Katherine has recently completed a Masters in Arts as a Spiritual Director. She is a giver of the Ignatian Exercises and Spiritual Direction and is involved with the Ignatian Arrupe program in Brisbane.


Beryl SchneiderBeryl Schneider

Business Woman and M.A. B.Soc.Sc. B.B.A. CERT.IV TAE

Beryl hails from Julia Creek where her father was the Shire Clerk for more than 42 years in local government and community. Beryl has an impressive service record starting with Care and Concern in 1978 in her local parish.  She then developed the Centacare Service in the Caboolture and Stanley River Parishes from 1995 to 2009.   Starting with a volunteer group and no funding she retired from the service having implemented 12 streams of funding and services to over twelve thousand clients with an annual budget and assets of $4 million. She comes from an Applied Science, Business and Project Management background.   
For more than 25 years Beryl has been involved with Homelessness for families, individuals and youth with government grants and funding.
Beryl has been involved with the Angelus Prayer Mission since 2006 and has served on the Management Board applying her skills to the organization and development of the constitution, organizational and directional aspects of the Association.

On the ground she has implemented prayer groups and play groups and other parish bases ministries for many years.  Beryl is also completing an Ignatian Spirituality and Spiritual Direction program with Campion College in Melbourne.



Robyn Stout

North Queensland Representative

Robyn is from a large Townsville family and would consider herself to be a local along with her extended family that has been active in the Townsville community for a couple of generations.  

Along with her husband Colin they are local solicitors and lawyers who have a strong commitment and ties to legal fraternity, their local Community and Parish Church.

Robyn is a long term member and supporter of the Angelus Prayer Mission and has travelled locally and internationally with the founders to establish prayer groups.



Jan Mangleson

IBCLC Cert IV BE  (Counselling and Community)

Jan, her husband Jim and their family came to Mullumbimby on the NSW Far North Coast back in 1972 from Sydney.

The family real estate business began in 1979 and has two offices, at Mullumbimby and Ocean Shores.  Their eight children and spouses, grandchildren, partners and friends make wonderful family gatherings especially when the many birthdays are celebrated.  The first of the fourth generation, Taj James Mangleson was born in November 2013.

Jan became involved in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in Mullumbimby in 1979 and Ballina in 1983 and was a founding member of the Mary of the Angelus Prayer Mission, which had its inaugural meeting in 1996 in Mullumbimby.  Jan feels very privileged to serve as president of the Angelus Prayer Mission.  She is a member of the St. John’s Brunswick Valley Catholic Parish Pastoral Council.

Jan is a director on the board of the North Coast Community Housing Company, a social housing organisation which manages about 850 properties from Grafton to Tweed Heads.
Jan is involved in local health issues as a breastfeeding counsellor for the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) and is an internationally certified lactation consultant. She was chair of the Brunswick Byron Area Health Service Board for nine years and is currently chair of the Tweed Byron Cancer Network, a project of the NSW Cancer Council.  Jan is a member of the Byron Central Hospital project reference group which is planning for a new area hospital at Ewingsdale, near Byron Bay. 

Jan was a local government councillor on the Byron Shire Council for nine years and a member of a wide range of committees including the Social Plan, Australia Day and Affordable Housing committees.  She is president of the Ocean Shores Community Association.



Bev Holmes

Business Woman and Board Member

Has been a member of Mary of the Angelus Prayer Mission for 30 years as a Secretary for ten years and is presently the Vice President.     
She been actively involved with many outreach activities   of the Catholic Church since seventeen years of age. 

These include YCW, Youth Group, Children of Mary, Legion of Mary, Charismatic Renewal, Cursillo, Evangelisation Schools, Catholics Coming Home and Mary of the Angelus Prayer Ministry.  As a qualified Lifeline Counsellor she combines her skills with the Angelus way of prayer and has initiated a Telephone Prayer Circle as a prayer ministry outreach for those who are spiritually burdened by their life experiences.                       
Beverley is actively involved with her husband Kevin in their family businesses of grazing and mining. They have two sons and four grandchildren.  



Trish Bazar

Artist, Business Woman and Treasurer

Hailing from Merseyside, Lancashire in England Trish migrated to Australia with her family 1961.
Living at Ballina she has been married to David for 38 years and has 3 children and 4 grandchildren.

After marrying and having our first son I was a stay at home mum helping with our then small business. In 1990/91 I relinquished the office to those with more expertise to peruse my own interests.

I became part of a core group of people meeting with Valerie Murphy and Fr Vince Doyle at the home of Jan Mangleson in Mullumbimby NSW.

We were learning the way of Contemplative Prayer, Inner Healing and Intercession.
By this time my prayer life and in particular Contemplative Prayer had begun to influence my creative ventures especially in the area of silk painting.

 In 1993 I produced a series of paintings based on the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary. After spending some time at the first Aboriginal Reconciliation Weekend held at ‘Gunundi’ Ballina NSW and listening to stories told by local Koori elder Yvonne Delsignore ‘Aunty Ponny’ I developed and painted an image ( now called The Glory ) inspired by those stories.

 I met Lenore Parker then a member of the Anglican Consultative Committee and founding member of NATSIAC at this second weekend. Lenore and fellow committee members had submitted the prayer, God of Holy Dreaming for use in the Anglican prayer book and when I read it for the first time I saw the stirrings of another painting one based on the first verse of the prayer. In time the prayer and the paintings now a triptych ‘God of Holy Dreaming’ had become one and subsequently travelled with Lenore to the Great Synod of the Anglican Church in Melbourne 1995/6. Copies were made and were taken with her to Synods in England, Hawaii and the Panama as part of her mission for indigenous peoples.

In 1997 after many hours of preparation and with a great number of prayer shawls in hand I accompanied  Valerie and Fr Vince to the US  as prayer support for their five week mission to various parts of Kentucky and San Francisco. I was blessed with selling most of my work , therefore self-funding my leap of faith going on this journey with them.

By this time I was also back working either part or full time in the office of our growing business.

I was a founding member of BACCI – Ballina Arts & Craft Centre Inc. working toward a local community gallery. I had great pleasure in being part of setting up the exhibition and successfully exhibiting at the inaugural exhibition of the Northern Rivers Community Gallery in 2007 and two subsequent exhibitions.
I have continued over the years to be inspired through the Holy Spirit and Contemplative Prayer in the making of prayer shawls and various artworks.


Denise-FlocchiniDenise Flocchini

Vice President Mary of the Angelus Prayer Mission

Denise Flocchini one of our valued members has been married to Leno for 40 years. They have three sons and are grandparents to 2 boys and 6 girls.

She has lived on the farm working and raising her family for most of her married life.  A highlight for them was when her and Leno travelling around Australia in a caravan with some friends.  Returning home she is currently employed as a receptionist for a Chiropractor.   

Denise wanted to increase she skills and completed an advanced Diploma in Counselling and privately councils for a number of years.   

She is a long standing member of the Angelus Prayer Mission for around 20 years, serving on the management taskforce and held the position of treasure twice over this time. At the moment I am serving on a subcommittee of the board to help co-ordinate training for teachers and leaders and support Angelus groups.

I am an active member of my parish at St Marys in Casino and am involved in the following:

  • Group leader for Charismatic renewal
  • On team and taught in School of Evangelisation for region
  • On team and taught  at Amaize weekend
  • Served on Parish Council
  • Group leader for Lenten and other programs in parish
  • Group leader Angelus pray group
  • Teaching Contemplative prayer
  • Been on team to help organise visiting Speakers to our parish
  • Involved in prayer ministry, intercessory prayer and inner healing

Paul-MurphyPaul Murphy

Secretary of Mary of the Angelus Prayer Mission

My new life began in year 2002 when I married Valerie following my introduction to the Angelus way of prayer.
Prior to that the dominant people in my life were son Ben, and daughter Kate. Both are now married and on their own journeys.

My working life centred around rural property valuations for mortgage purposes for private and public clients. I was well known for not compromising my Christian principles at any price. I was an active member of Lismore Apex Club and later Goonellabah Rotary Club.

Walking with Valerie created a whole new way of life. A prayer life, a more generous life. An open house policy, which I had long yearned for. A triumvirate with Fr Vince Doyle and Valerie.
I was already an Angelus member, having been consecrated during the Dorrigo prayer weekend. First there was The Beginnings Experience, then followed Cursillo, again followed by the interdenominational Kairos Prison Ministry, of which I was Secretary of the NSW Northern Region for 5 years.

This lead me to volunteer with the Lismore Soup Kitchen which includes accommodation for 18 homeless men within the former Winsome Hotel. Fr Vince introduced me to Ridley Bell and as I retired from my valuation career, I assumed the volunteer role of Winsome Centre Manager. The Holy Spirit has ensured that I am still in that role 7 years on. I have been Secretary of the Angelus Prayer Mission for the past 4 years.


Fr ErickFather Erick Quinteros

Spiritual Director & Chaplain of Mary of the Angelus Prayer Mission

My family migrated to Australia from El Salvador when I was a teenager. After my conversion I felt God calling me to the priesthood and completed my Seminary Training at Wagga Wagga in New South Wales. I spent the early years of my priesthood in the confraternity of Christ the Priest and then became incardinated into the Lismore Dioceses. I met Father Vincent Doyle and he invited me to be involved with Mary of the Angelus Prayer Mission and their outreach to God’s poor or Anawim. (Those who were heavily burdened by life’s cares and concerns). Since his death I have felt the Holy Spirit empowering me to continue this form of outreach. To bring Christ’s healing love to those who are emotionally wounded by their life experiences.

As the Administrator of Kyogle Parish, the Holy Spirit has prompted me to offer monthly Healing Masses for the healing of our life’s hurts. I witness miracles of grace each month as people travel from neighbouring parishes to receive God’s anointing. The Spirit’s power to heal and convert us is a living testimony for all to see and experience. Jesus is truly alive.

Email Fr. Erick Quinteros 


Fr. Emil MilatFr. Emil Milat

Angelus Consecrated Priest

Fr Emil, has had two deep influences on his spiritual life since joining seminary formation in 1995: devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit lead Charismatic renewal- especially how these come together in healing ministry.  

Ordained in the year 2000 for the Canberra & Goulburn Archdiocese he was involved youth ministry, three WYDs and has been the Vocations Director for several years. In his former parish of Moruya at the South Coast his prayer group came across Valerie and the Angelus Prayer Mission and the group quickly embraced angelus teachings and consecration.  It gave the group a solid Catholic teaching base and support for their Marian Charismatic group. 

He has given several talks to the Angelus Prayer Mission and now writes testimonies and teachings on its profound distinctive charism- that we like Mary bring Jesus to birth in creation, ourselves, ancestors and the whole human race.
Email Fr. Emil Milat 


Fr-Hilary-Flynn-croppedFr. Hilary Flynn

Angelus Consecrated Priest

My vocation became a reality for me when I was a student at St. Augustine College in Cairns North Queensland. I studied at Banyo Seminary in Brisbane and was ordained as a priest for the Cairns Diocese.

I am presently a Parish Priest in Tully North Qld and have been an assistant and Parish Priest in many of the remote areas of the Gulf of Carpentaria including Weipa – Bamaga – Thursday and Hammond Islands in the Torres Strait. I am currently a Police Chaplain for the Diocese and for many years have been actively involved with the Cursillo Movement.

My friendship with Father Doyle has been for over forty years when we became involved in the spiritual renewal of the Church through the Charismatic movement. Both of us have been presenters, teachers and retreat facilitators at many locations nationally and internationally. I too share in his vision of providing a spiritual support network for the poor and marginalised through the Angelus way of prayer.

I love Jesus and I love people. I walked four times across the United States with Cross Roads Prolife Youth groups. To be, to sit, to listen allows Jesus to be present to all those I meet.



Fr.-Vincent-Doyle--teamFr. Vincent Doyle (Deceased)

Co-founder of Mary of the Angelus Prayer Mission.

 Father Vincent was a Parish Priest in the Lismore Diocese and spent six years as a Missionary in Papua New Guinea.  He became the liaison priest in the Diocese for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, Chaplain to the Beginnings Experience (for the divorced and separated).  

Kairos Prison Ministry, Cursillo Movement, Natural Family Planning and the Moriah Community for the Anawim (those who were spiritually burdened or oppressed).
Father Vincent developed a love for the Anawim (God’s poor) and he recognised a need existed for those who had no emotional, physical or spiritual support network. His vision was realised as Valerie and Himself co-foundered Mary of the Angelus Prayer Mission in 1996 and established the first Anawim House.

We remember Father Vince’s words; 
In my preparation for priesthood and fifty two years as a priest I have received many healing experiences that have blessed me and flowed through me to my other brothers and sisters in Christ.  The Angelus Prayer Card helps us to receive new insights and blessings by combining together the gifts of Contemplation Prayer, Intercessory and Inner Healing Prayer.
I encourage you to faithfully follow these prayer steps and to allow yourself to be blessed and empowered by God for your healing and for your prayer mission.  
Fr. Vincent Doyle