Prayer Mission | Angleus Members Area

Individual Prayer Ministry

Individual Prayer Ministry is available when you are unable to work your way through some of the challenges of life.   Book Individual sessions NOW

The Angelus Prayer Team is available to visit your group or parish to teach and minister to groups wanting to engage in healing ministries.

Prayer-MinistryAppointments for Prayer Ministry can be made via email and we will be email you  a suitable time for you to speak to someone. We also offer Face to face personal prayer ministry that can be made by appointment.   

 The Process
1. Personal Prayer Ministry  takes place in a prayerful and confidential venue
2. Communication is regular eg. Monthly by phone, skype or face to face meetings
(Note: Skype is free – download Skype here. Skype to Skype communications are free. You may need to purchase a webcam and/or earphones).

The Cost

  • Suggested donation $60 each direction session.
  • The cost should not prevent or inhibit your desire to undertake personal prayer ministry. You are welcome to give as your circumstances allow.


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