What is Intercessory Prayer?
In the parable of the Darnel Matt 13 :24-30 we are told how the Kingdom of Heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in the field. While everyone was asleep the enemy came and sowed darnel among the wheat and made off. The labourers were told to leave the darnel till harvest time. And then the reapers will collect the darnel, tie them into bundles to be burnt and gather the wheat into the barn.
In this Year of Mercy proclaimed by the Church God is sending out Reapers to remove the darnel in people’s lives. Jesus is empowering and anointing them through the gifts of his Spirit. Word of knowledge and understanding, charisms of faith, miracles recognising spirits, tongues and the ability to interpret them for this prayer mission.
They are the Angels promised at the end of time, “who will gather out of God’s Kingdom all causes of falling and who do evil. (Matt. 13: 41 )
The gathering of the darnel is Intercessory prayer. The intercessors are the Reapers or Angels who are instructed by God to sit/ wait/listen to his word and to proclaim God’s promises through prayer and action.
They tenderly embrace the poor who have fallen in God’s garden of grace and gather them up praying for God’s mercy, love and healing.
God is love. He created us through love to love him and to love others.
Intercessory prayer requires a person to have a committed prayer life, baptism in the Holy Spirit and a personal relationship with Jesus. As an intercessor grows and matures in love through the spiritual gifts they adopt the first Beatitude to be poor in spirit. To look within at their own human frailties and sinfulness seeking forgiveness and healing before praying for another person. Jesus emptied himself of his divinity to bring us the riches of heaven. When we too are poor in spirit God promises to bless those we pray for with all his heavenly blessings.
The Intercessor is like a soldier engaged in war, but his warfare is not against mankind but against Principalities and Powers that originate in the darkness. ( Eph; 6:12 ) An intercessors prayer weapons are supernatural with God’s Spirit teaching them how to wield the word of God as a sword and summon angelic assistance. Intercessory prayer is prayer evangelisation and prepares the way for God’s word to be heard in all faiths, cultures and nationalities. Mary is raising up a Prayer Army under her title Blessed Mary of the Angelus for the conversion of hearts.
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