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Praying The Scriptures

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Contemplating God’s Word

This way of praying   requires us to still the mind as we breathe in God’s Word.
He begins to speak to us in the depths of our being and when these insights or words arise within us we can appropriate or proclaim them as a living prayer.
God’s Word now becomes alive and active with a power to convert, transform or deliver us from the effects of sin and heal our wounded spirit. As we grow and mature in this form of prayer Jesus blesses us with many spiritual prayer gifts. These gifts empower and teach us how to effectively pray for the healing of our body soul and spirit.
Praying the Scriptures:

PLACE YOURSELF in the presence of God.

CHOOSE A TEXT from the Bible.

BREATHE IN the Holy Spirit and imagine being filled with God’s breathe.

GENTLY RECITE the prayer phrase for a few moments “Jesus mercy, Jesus mercy,” for God to help you to become interiorly silent and open to His love.

NOW READ the text slowly and gently. Savour each portion of the reading constantly listening for the “still small voice” of a word or phrase that somehow says, “I am for you today.”

GOD IS TEACHING YOU to listen to Him in silence. He softly and gently invites you even more deeply into His presence.

DON’T EXPECT to hear God audibly in a loud voice. He speaks to us through the promptings of our thoughts, feelings and emotions.

NOW TAKE the word or phrase from your Gospel reading into yourself.  Memorise it and slowly repeat it to yourself allowing it to interact with your inner world of concerns, memories and ideas. (If you do not relate to a word or phrase, use the name of Jesus).

DO NOT be afraid of distractions. Memories or thoughts are simply part of you waiting to be given to God. Just continue to slowly and gently repeat the word or phrase within.

AFTER A PERIOD of five to seven minutes SPEAK with God as you would with one who knows, loves and accepts you.

APPROPRIATE THE WORDS OR INSIGHTS you may have received and pray those words or insights for your healing or for others.

NOW REST IN JESUS LOVING EMBRACE to receive God’s healing power and love through His Word.