“Behold I make all things new”.
When we invite Jesus to shine His Healing Love and Light into our mother’s womb our feelings of rejection and low self-worth start to disappear.
God’s amazing Love can transcend all time and space. Jesus, through the Power of His Spirit begins the restoration for us to believe we are special, called , chosen and gifted to live a new life through God’s grace.
Receiving God’s grace has a conditonal requirement and that is the ability to forgive . God’s Healing power and love cannot flow when unforginvess remains in our hearts.
Being still and sitting in a quiet place is important for us to receive God’s Grace.
We always begin our prayer by thanking Jesus for His loving actions that brought us the Gift of Life.
“Jesus, I thank You and I love You for giving me the Gift of Life through my parents.
If I experienced emotional rejection, negativity or attempted actions were taken to procure a miscarriage or abortion of me within my mother’s womb I pray for your grace and the ability to forgive………
Jesus, You were conceived in a Pure Womb through a privileged Grace and I ask to be blessed with a grace filled conception and for my womb experiences too.
O Mary conceived without sin pray for us who have recourse to you
If I my mother experienced physical or emotional abuse while pregnant I forgive those responsible. I pray for Jesus’ mercy rays to wash over me and my central nervous system that may be still affected. Deliver me and restore me Jesus from being captive to my fears that render me helpless and hopeless in difficult situations………….
Pause here for a few moments and imagine those rays of God’s divine mercy flowing over you as you are now ……………………………………………………..
Jesus affirm me with all the love hope and joyful affirmations you received in your mother’s womb. She told you how special you were, chosen by the Father, a child of grace who has a destiny and a purpose for life. ………………. A mission to love …
Jesus, I desire now to be filled with the healing rays of your Father’s love…………. pause for a few moment to absorb God’s affirming love ………
If I experienced anxiety or fear in the birthing process shine Your Healing Light into the darkness of my terror. ….
Jesus, when you shed drops of blood at the Mount of Olives from the fear of Calvary an Angel appeared to you from Heaven to give you strength. I now ask you to deliver me from my terror or traumas through the shedding of your blood…………………. I too desire the Angel from Heaven to strengthen and help me overcome my anxieties as I proclaim and believe in the promises of your word. (Luke 22:41-44. ) Amen
When I could no longer hear the heartbeat of my mother I became distressed. Hear my cry and heal the wounds within my spirit that panics when I can no longer control events in my life. ……….
Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane cried out, “Abba Father, for you everything is possible. Take this cup away from me. But let it be you, not I , would have it. (Mark 14:36-37)
“Jesus I ask you to deliver and heal me of my predisposition to panic. I believe everything is possible and that you can bless me with your gift to accept God’s Will over my own will. I trust in you and believe in the living power of your word and proclaim your promises for the healing of my distressed spirit. “Amen
Jesus, hear my cry for the bonding of a mother and father’s love . ………..
Bless me with the same bonding graces You received from St. Joseph and Your Mother Mary. To know I am loved and loveable
Thank you Jesus for restoring our family unity again …………… Pause for a few moments and breathe in the presence and love of the Holy Family.
Mary, Mother of God, pray for me to share in the riches and the beauty, of your love and joy of Jesus’ time within your womb.
Thank you Jesus for preparing the way for me to be reborn through grace for a new divine life. To receive all your heavenly blessings to be a whole and holy person. ………………………..
Blessed Virgin Mary of the Angelus Pray for Us