God is love. He created us through love to love Him and to love others.
A desire to pray for others begins with us. Our life is a microcosm of a blessed or hurting world.
Jesus tells us to come to Him just as we are and that’s how He loves us. Through the mystery of grace He allows people to come into our lives that are role models and He allows people to irritate, frustrate, hurt, wound, exploit or abuse us.
It is through relationships that God reveals the different shades of light or darkness within us. As we pray for the healing of our own lives His Spirit will prompt us to pray for others.
In the prayer of intercession we join with Jesus in His prayer of petition as He stands in the Father’s presence praying for us. (Catechism of the Catholic Church CC2634-2636)
Conversion of hearts:
Intercessory Prayer converts hearts, brings healing and sets people free from being spiritually oppressed so they can experience Jesus’ love and presence. Under the anointing of the Holy Spirit an intercessor grows in wisdom and invokes the spiritual gifts to guide them how to pray for the salvation of souls.
As they grow in the awareness and understanding of the light and dark spiritual realms they receive the gift of knowledge. This gift instructs them about the role of the saints and angels in spiritual warfare.
The Angelus Way of Prayer prepares intercessors through the prayer of contemplation and inner healing. Their faith and prayer flows from a personal experience of God’s love and His healing power. Empowered by the Spirit they proclaim Christ’s victory over the effects of sin or evil in people’s lives.