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Why pray for healing

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If anyone loves me….. my Father will love them, we will come and make our home with them”

(John 14:23)

The Angelus way of prayer for inner healing introduces us to a new way of loving ourselves and others with Jesus. We learn how to pray for the healing power of the Holy Spirit and to develop a personal relationship with Jesus.

Our fears, pain, hurts, doubts and concerns are dissolved and we develop an inner strength to initiate change and a new direction for our life.

Healing is necessary for all of us as we all carry the effects of sin in our human condition. Through the generations of our family tree we have inherited their genetic and spiritual D.N.A. . When those ancestors made sinful choices in preference to God’s ways then we too remain vulnerable to similar temptations or activities.

The prayer of Inner Healing guides us how to bring the events of our life into the presence of God and invite Jesus to be there with us.

  • We ask Jesus to reveal to us any rejections or wounds that have emotionally hurt us.
  • Or enlighten us about character flaws that are destructive to ourselves or towards others.
  • God’s healing begins to flow as we forgive those who have hurt us and in some cases that includes forgiving God for allowing these event to happen.
  • We actually experience the power of Christ’s acts of love in our own life setting us free and healing our wounds so we can become a whole person again.

Our ability to love, trust and hope for a new way of life begins as we learn how to pray this way.